Organic Albizia Lebbeck (Siris) Bark

Organic Albizia Lebbeck Siris Bark Powder
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Organic Albizia Lebbeck Siris Bark Powder
Albizia lebbeck (Siris) FI Bark Powder
Albizia lebbeck (Siris) Bark
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Organic Albizia Lebbeck (Siris) Bark

Product Type Powder
English/ Common Name Red Siris, Safed Siris, Tall Albizia, Women-Tongue
Botanical Name Albizia procera
Indian Name Siris, Koko
Origin India




General Usage

The powdered root bark is used as dental powder for strengthening the gums. The bark is used externally to treat boils. In Ayurveda & Unani medicine, the acrid bark is a constituent in the treatment for blood diseases, leukoderma, itching, skin diseases, piles, inflammation, erysipelas, and bronchitis. The bark of Albizia lebbeck is astringent. It is also taken internally to treat diarrhea, dysentery, and piles.


Albizia lebbeck, commonly named ‘siris,’ is a medium-sized deciduous tree found in the Indian subcontinent and Myanmar (Burma). Siris tree bark is used in traditional South Asian medicine. The phytochemical screening of the bark of Albizia lebbeck (Siris) has shown positive tests for tannin, alkaloid, flavonoid, terpenoid, phlabotannin, saponin, steroid, and cardiac glycoside.

Common Names

Spanish: acacia, acacia amarilla, algarrobo de olor, amor platónico, aroma,
French: acacia lebbeck, bois noir, ebénier d’Orient
Chinese: kuo jia he huan
Australia: shack-shack, singer-tree, siris, Tibet lebbeck
Germany: Andamanen-Kokko, Lebachbaum
Italy: albizia indiana


For Educational Purpose Only

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Please be advised: Before making any changes to your diet you should always consult with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or have existing conditions.

Precautionary Information/ Contraindication: Albizia lebbeck should not be consumed during pregnancy or nursing. It should be consumed with a doctor’s advice if you are already on any medication. For further clarification, please consult your healthcare practitioner before starting consumption of Albizia lebbeck.

Storage Condition: Albizia lebbeck should be kept in an airtight container/ bottle away from direct sunlight in a cool & dry place.

Note: The product is organically grown and processed as per national and international guidelines for Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Good Agriculture and Manufacturing practice (GAMP). The product is 100% vegetarian and vegan.


    Products Albizia Lebbeck (Siris) Bark